Special Interest Group on Thermal Remote Sensing
The Special Interest Group on Thermal Remote Sensing brings together all the people interested in the thermal remote sensing: be it science, industry, services, or education.

The Special Interest Group on Thermal Remote Sensing, active in past years, has recently been revived in 2023. Considering that new thermal satellite missions at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions are soon to be launched, the conditions and limitations of thermal remote sensing will transform, opening many new opportunities. Communication on methods, processing procedures, upcoming field campaigns, new developments in the field or new data and solutions available will be crucial to ensure the adoption of thermal remote sensing data by end-users in a broad range of applications. In particular, bridging the communication between sensor design and applications-driven research is critical.
This is therefore the right time to bring the thermal remote sensing community closer together, both in Europe, and beyond. The EARSeL Special Interest Group Thermal Remote Sensing will support this process by:
- the organisation and management of a communication platform for SIG users,
- the organisation of workshops and seminars,
- the stimulation of communication and exchange of information between those building upcoming satellites, researchers, and end-users of thermal remote sensing data.
Applications of thermal remote sensing

- Thermal Remote Sensing Workshop in Space Park Leicester
- Hydrosat Launches into Space and Humanity
- Special session on thermal in EARSeL main symposium in Manchester
- Second edition of international workshop on high-resolution thermal remote sensing was announced
- FLUXNET Workshop: The Great Thermal Bake-Off
applications book climate community conference copernicus data discussion ECOSTRESS education Emissivity Evapotranspiration global warming launch LST LSTM NewSpace podcast satellite SBG SIG temperature thermal constellation TRISHNA webminar
SIG Activities
Present and planned activities:
- Thermal remote sensing workshop joint with LST_cci 2-6 December 2024
- Thermal Lens: a special podcast series on thermal remote sensing
- International Science Workshop on High-Resolution Thermal Remote Sensing 19-21 November 2024 in Ahmedabad (India)
The Special Interest Group (SIG) plans to organise workshops / special sessions as part of the EARSeL main conference or other SIG events on a bi-annual basis. These workshops will aim to gather experts in the field to enhance discussion and experience exchange within the thermal remote sensing community. We would specifically like to enhance cooperation and exchange between the researchers from different countries, including those, who are typically hindered in participation.
Past Workshops and Seminars
Past special sessions and workshops include:
- Special session in EARSeL main symposium in Manchester, UK, 2024
- Special session in Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop in Valencia, Spain, 2024
- Special session in “Challenges and Applications in Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy” at 10th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy, Zurich, Switzerland, 2017 [more info]
- Special session on “Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy” and “Thermal Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation” at 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2015 [more info]
- 2nd Joint EARSeL Special Interest Groups Workshop, Ghent, Belgium, 2011
In addition to workshops, we plan to organise additional online meetings, to fit the needs of the community, through seminars or short courses on thermal remote sensing principles, tools and methods.
Contact us

Agnieszka Soszynska, Dr.
University of Leicester/NCEO
Space Park Leicester
92 Corporation Road
United Kingdom
phone: +44 116 294 4572
e-mail: agnieszka.soszynska (at) le.ac.uk

Jennifer Susan Adams, Dr.
University of Zurich / Department of Geography / Remote Sensing Laboratories
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich, Switzerland
phone: +41 44 63 55253
e-mail: jennifer-susan.adams (at) geo.uzh.ch
homepage: https://rsws.ch/de/about-us/dr-jennifer-adams